Coupals Primary Academy

Coupals Primary Academy celebrates ‘Good’ Ofsted report

Published: 27 February, 2023

A Haverhill primary school is celebrating after achieving a ‘Good’ Ofsted report.

Coupals Primary Academy in Chalkstone Way underwent a two-day inspection in January and retained its Good status in all key areas.

The school was praised for ensuring a “carefully thought out curriculum” while pupils were described as polite and welcoming while also valuing opportunities to take on responsibilities.

The school’s commitment to reading and SEND education were also highlighted in the report.

Tom Wade, head of school at Coupals, said: “We are pleased that the hard work undertaken by all in the school community has been recognised.

“I would like to thank all those who took part in the inspection – staff, governors, parents and pupils alike. They are all a vital piece in the jigsaw which ensured the school retained its deserved judgement.

“We look forward to building on the foundations that have now been set and will continue to strive for excellence.”

Ofsted inspectors also noted how pupils enjoy acting as ‘eco leaders’ and being voted in as members of the school’s council while their personal development is well promoted.

It also highlighted how quickly the school has settled into the new leadership which includes stronger links with Place Farm Primary Academy.

Commenting on the report, Jane Sendall, executive head at both schools, said: “The report highlights the many elements of good provision at Coupals Primary Academy as well as the areas for improvement needed to take the school forward.

“What is extremely satisfying is that the areas mentioned were within the school development plan prior to the inspection and some were already at the early implementation stages.

“I would like to congratulate and thank everyone who has played their part in making Coupals the special place that it is.”

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