Equality Objectives
Our Objectives
- Coupals Primary Academy will provide auxiliary aids that are directly related to disabled children’s educational needs as a reasonable adjustment so they can integrate wholly in all parts of school life.
- Staff will ensure that all pupils are able to take part in extra-curricular activities and residential visits, and the school will monitor uptake of these visits to ensure no one is disadvantaged on the grounds of a protected characteristic.
- Coupals Primary Academy will ensure that all forms of prejudice-motivated bullying is taken seriously and dealt with equally and firmly.
- There will be differential schemes of work designed to meet the abilities and learning styles of all pupils.
- There will be a clearly defined disciplinary system, which will be consistently enforced.
- The school will increase access for disabled children and young people to the school curriculum and will take necessary steps to meet pupils’ needs by using a variety of approaches and planning reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, enabling our pupils to take as full a part as possible in the activities of the school.
- The school will ensure there is adequate access to the physical environment of the school.
- The school will improve the delivery of written information to disabled children and young people.
- The school will seek the views of advisory staff, outside agencies and local schools.
- Throughout the year, the school will plan ongoing events to raise awareness of equality and diversity.
- The school will consult with stakeholders, i.e. pupils, parents/carers, staff and relevant community groups, to establish equality objectives and draw up a plan based on information collected on protected groups and accessibility planning. These equality objectives will be reviewed and reported on annually.
- Bullying and prejudice will be carefully monitored and dealt with accordingly. Regular training will be given to both existing and new staff to ensure that they are aware of the process for reporting and following up incidents of prejudice- related bullying.
Protected Characteristics
It is unlawful for a school to discriminate by treating individuals less favourably because of their:
- Sex
- Race
- Disability
- Religion or belief
- Sexual orientation
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy/maternity
- Marriage and Civil Partnership
Children and young people under the age of 18 have limited protection under the Age characteristic. It is lawful to treat people differently because of their age in circumstances where the law allows, or requires, people to be treated differently because of their age.
Associated Documents
Coupals Primary Academy recognises that certain groups in society have historically been disadvantaged on account of unlawful discrimination they have faced on the basis of their race, gender, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age.
The Equality Information and Objectives Statement will put in place a range of actions to eliminate prejudice, unlawful discrimination and victimisation within the school community and workforce. This document can be downloaded from the attachments section on this page.
The Accessibility Plan outlines the proposals of the governing body of Coupals Primary Academy to increase access to education for pupils with disabilities in the three areas required by the planning duties in the Equality Act 2010. This document can be downloaded from the attachments section on this page.